Jenna here, one of the co-owners of Free Fly, as well as a wife and mom of two wild boys (ages 2 and 5). First and foremost, we sincerely hope everyone is staying healthy and safe. Our lives have been turned upside down over the last couple months and we are all working to navigate a new normal.

Photos by Bre Drake

As parents, having kids home 24/7 has brought on a whole new set of challenges. We're attempting to strike a balance between work, kids and family responsibilities. Some days are fun and other days we want to pull our hair out... because dang, it's A LOT.


Below is a round up of survival tips for moms. Let's be honest, I need this reminder as much as anyone else!


Quarantine Survival Tips for Moms:

1. Get Outside:

If you're able, getting outside for fresh air and sunshine is helpful for kids and parents. Although parks and beaches are closed, we've found several unpopulated spots to run and play. Bonus: Vitamin D is great for immunity!

2. Just Add Water:

I learned this one from my mom. When kids are going crazy (which, for us, is often), we always look for water to play in. Pre-COVID 19, this meant frequent trips to the beach or our local dock. For now, it looks like backyard sprinklers and an inflatable pool. The kids love the water and it buys us parents a little time to watch and relax (win-win).

3. Create a Routine:

Kids thrive off of routine, as do most adults. A routine has given me windows to schedule my day, so I know when I can focus on work and when I can be with the kids. It's virtually impossible to do both at the same time. As a working parent, take full advantage of those naps and early bedtimes.

4. Back to the Basics:

Extended time at the house has allowed us the opportunity to take up some new hobbies like baking from scratch (not from a box, ha!) and gardening from seed. the kids love being a part of the process and we've enjoyed watching them learn and get their hands dirty!

5. Lean on your Tribe:

Yes, gratitude is important. That said, life is different and hard right now. While others are taking this time to learn new languages or become certified yoga instructors, we're just trying to survive. Find your tribe and allow yourself to speak those frustrations from time to time

Remember this is temporary. Hang in there, stay safe, and Happy Mother's Day!